The production of any food is majorly based on the availability of healthy soil on which it will be grown in an organic manner. The term healthy soil means the soil that contains decomposed organic compounds or matter that is undergoing the process of decomposition.
Having healthy soil is important to produce healthy crops that, in turn, will be able to provide necessary nourishment for the well-being and health of the consumer, which will help humans to grow and carry out their processes properly. That said, if you are farming professionally, you will also need a heavy duty fertilizer equipment dealer in addition to the knowledge shared in this article.
In order to keep the soil and crops healthy, organic matter is essentially mixed and used in it, which is known as humus. There are plenty of reasons why this soil humus is important for the proper growth of healthy crops.
Prevent Erosion
One of the first and foremost concerns of agriculturists and farmers is soil erosion, which can ruin the crops on a vast range. For this very reason, according to the universal soil equation data, the humus or organic matter had helped to reduce erosion up 20 to 33 percent approx.
This means that with the help of humus, one can not only be able to provide essential nutrients to the plants but also prevent soil erosion due to the amount of decomposed matter involved in it that can help to increase water infiltration.
This can, in turn, be a great aid in stopping the surface runoff. In addition to that, the soil that has a high amount of humus tends to have a much more stable soil aggregate which makes it hard for the particles to be run off by agents like water and wind.
Nutrient Supply
The organic and decomposed matter included in humus contains a certain amount of nutrients that are necessary for the growth of crops, as these are released after the breakdown by soil organisms to properly transport in the plants.
These organic elements that are released by decomposed compounds can turn out to be a great help in the production of amino acids, vegetative growth of plants, production of chlorophyll, formation of anthocyanin, and many other important functions that are responsible for healthy plant growth.
This is why humus helps to support the micro-organisms of the soil, such as bacteria, fungi, protozoa, algae, and many other similar species that create a soil ecosystem, which helps in the breaking down of nutrients for the plants.
Buffering effect
One of the major things that most people might not know is that different types of plants require specific pH levels to grow in different soils for the adequate production of crops. This is why it is really important for them to have good and healthy soil.
This will help the plants to have proper growth according to their specific pH levels, which can only be possible when a certain and adequate amount of humus is added in the soil so that the soil microbes can thrive bst in optimal soil pH.
With the help of using high amounts of humus in the soil, it can be made possible to moderate the actual level of pH that will allow the plants to grow under great and required conditions in the pH that will lead to low crop yields.